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Summer Souvenirs


Artie Shaw and his Orchestra : Summer Souvenirs



Style:  Jazz

Date Recorded: December 13th 1938 

Composer: Charles Newman, J. Fred Coots




Wikipedia: Summer Souvenirs


Harvest moon above is shining bright,
Memories of you haunt me tonight,
While I’m looking through
My precious Summer souvenirs.

Trinkets that we won in boardwalk games,
Tintypes that were done in painted frames,
They all speak of you,
My precious Summer souvenirs.

I still have banners from the boat we boarded
When we sailed across the bay;
Songs your favourite band recorded
I have hoarded away.

Leaves are on the ground, there’ll soon be frost,
Someone else has found the love I lost,
Still I’m clinging to
My precious Summer souvenirs.

Leaves are on the ground, there’ll soon be frost,
Someone else has found the love I lost,
Still I’m clinging to
My precious Summer souvenirs.

Artie Shaw and his Orchestra



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